Englehart Winter Carnival first weekend of March 5
Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter ENGLEHART -- The Englehart Winter Carnival is gearing up for the first weekend in March, with three days of fun planned for March 3 to 5.Teams are starting to line up and register, property owners are starting to consider their ice sculpture entries and
An Earthly Paradise raised from gallery’s permanent collection
Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES -- As the area awaits spring, which is less than two months away, visitors to the Temiskaming Art Gallery (TAG) will be able to plunge into the enveloping peace and beauty of nature through the current exhibition, titled Earthly Paradise.TAG is featuring
Staff, parents and children had fun at the Sunday, January 15 Ecole publique des Navigateurs “Bataille de neige” event featuring winter-themed activities. From the left are Zachary Simpson, Marielle Routhier with her daughter Thalia Renaud and son Tayden Renaud. (Staff photo by Sue Nielsen)
Twenty questions with Gordon Brock
[gallery ids="15309,15310,15311"]This week’s Twenty Questions features long-time Speaker Editor Gordon Brock who is leaving the paper on February 10.1. What is your full name?Ernest Gordon Brock.2. Where were you born?Brantford, Ontario on December 25 1952.3. What position do you hold at The Temiskaming Speaker?