
18th birthday spent in Toronto ICU

Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter TORONTO - Progress is being made by a Cobalt teen who is fighting for recovery in Toronto after suffering a stroke due to a blood clot in her brain.Jamie Morin-Kennedy celebrated her 18th birthday in Toronto Western Hospital while she was recovering from her second brain surgery that

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Fifth annual Country Christmas lights up Temagami

Sue Nielsen Speaker Reporter TEMAGAMI — A record number of people strolled through a winter wonderland in Temagami last weekend as the community welcomed visitors to the fifth annual Temagami Country Christmas.Held November 30 and December 1, the display featured thousands of Christmas lights set up at Peacock Woodcraft on the Milne-Sherman

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Fifth annual Country Christmas lights up Temagami

Sue Nielsen Speaker Reporter TEMAGAMI — A record number of people strolled through a winter wonderland in Temagami last weekend as the community welcomed visitors to the fifth annual Temagami Country Christmas.Held November 30 and December 1, the display featured thousands of Christmas lights set up at Peacock Woodcraft on the Milne-Sherman

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Englehart fills up with new gas station/store

Sue Nielsen Speaker Reporter ENGLEHART — Englehart and area residents and people travelling along Highway 11 now have a new Esso gas station and convenience store to service their needs.The Englehart Esso Service Centre, located at 141 4th Street, is an outlet providing easy access to a convenience store and four self-service

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Thornloe repeats call for highway street lights

Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter THORNLOE – Thornloe isn't giving up its drive for lighting at a complex intersection on Highway 11.Villlage council has called on the Ontario Ministry of Transportation once again to install street lights at the intersection of Highway 11, Highway 562 and Garden Road east of the village.It argues

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400 students make their moves at tourney

Steven Larocque Speaker Editor TEMISKAMING SHORES – The ancient game of chess can teach a lot to modern students.“I believe that playing chess helps students to improve concentration, memory and calculation,” said chess coach and Ecole catholique St-Croix Haileybury teacher Luc Boucher.“It also teaches children to take responsibility for their actions by

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Cubs keep pace with Majors

Steven Larocque Speaker Editor TEMISKAMING SHORES – The New Liskeard Cubs took three of four points from the Timmins Majors on the weekend.Thing is, the Majors took three of four points from the Cubs.That means the Great North Midget League teams are still two points apart in the standings – Timmins in

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Photografiks pictured winning gold in North Bay

NORTH BAY (Special) - The Temiskaming Shores Photografiks Puckhounds had an extremely successful weekend November 30-December 2, coming home with the gold medal in the Bantam House division after going undefeated at the North Bay Trappers Challenge Cup.PHOTOGRAFIKS 3 KIA 0The team’s first road game of the year on Friday

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Lining up transportation needs

The response to the recent fuel spill on Highway 11 in Chamberlain Township saw crews work diligently to contain the spill and clean it up.But the incident draws our attention to the fact that with the constant and growing increase in the number of trucks and railcars carrying hazardous materials

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