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Weather and travel alert from Environment Canada
Kirkland Lake – Englehart New Liskeard – TemagamiSignificant winter storm expected Thursday night into Friday night.A Colorado low that is tracking towards Ontario will bring a mixed bag of weather to Northeastern Ontario late Thursday through Friday. Regions from Sault Ste. Marie to North Bay will likely see several
The Speaker – December 24, 2018
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Editorial Cartoon December 24
Christmas, fore and aft
Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter Gently falling snow, starry-eyed children, the faint scent of wood smoke, twinkling lights and flickering candles, carols in the air, home-baked treats....Enough of that.How about crappy weather and bad roads, long line-ups in stores and longer still credit card statements, and tired, whiny parents with over-sugared children?It's that
Holiday duty
At this time of year the good feelings and positive sentiments abound.Many parking lots at retail outlets are full to bursting which is good to see because this is when many businesses make enough money to see them through the lean months after the rush.It’s been said in this space
Christmas concert goes out with fundraising bang
Sue Nielsen Speaker Reporter COBALT — All good things must come to an end.And so it was with the fifth annual A Christmas To Remember musical concert fundraiser held December 14 and 15 at the Cobalt Classic Theatre.It was the last in an annual Christmas series founded and organized by former Harvest
Roland Lachapelle reflects on faith and hard work
Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter BELLE VALLÉE - A community, and a church, are more than places. They are the people.One person who has been an integral part of Belle Vallée and the surrounding area, and its church, Église de Notre-Dame-de-Bons-Secours, throughout his entire life is Roland Lachapelle.He and nine other children were
Food drive sets record
Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES – Among the donations turned over to the annual Christmas food drive coordinated by local Ministry of Natural Resources and Food staffers was a frozen turkey."That's a first," said Conservation Officer Pete Gilboe as he accepted the contribution.This year's effort – assisted by Temiskaming paramedics and
The Salvation Army Church in New Liskeard has brought back its popular Hamper Contest whereby individuals, groups and local businesses donate small and large hampers of food for needy families at Christmas, but also decorate those hampers in a Christmas theme. The best-decorated hamper wins the No Bell Prize, a