City still tallying spring flooding fallout
Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES – Two months after flooding prompted the city to declare a state of emergency, the damage toll in Temiskaming Shores has yet to be …

North On Tap another “phenomenal success”
Sue Nielsen Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES — If you pour it they will come and just over 1,800 people arrived by canoe and boat, on foot, by bike and by …
Preparing case for passenger rail service
Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter NORTH BAY – Ontario Northland is preparing a detailed business case for passenger rail, says ON president and chief executive officer Corina Moore. In an email …
Public help sought on otter shooting
Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES – Conservation officers hope someone knows something about a dead otter found late last month at Mowat’s Landing. The animal was found June 28, …
Historical Harley Township church set to reopen
Sue Nielsen Speaker Reporter HARLEY TOWNSHIP — The historic Trinity Independent Anglican Church, located on Quarry Road in Harley Township, was damaged a few years ago due to a leaking …

Temagami First Nation Pow Wow attracts large crowds
Sue Nielsen Speaker Reporter TEMAGAMI — “It was awesome. I don’t remember when we’ve had so many dancers and drummers. We had a tiny sprinkling of rain but otherwise the …

“Sharrows” to bridge cycling safety concerns
Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES – Cyclists and motorists can expect to see some new markings on the Wabi bridge later this year. Temiskaming Shores council has agreed to …

Youth back at work, co-operatively
Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES – Are your curbside recycling and garbage bins particularly grimy? There may not be an app for that, but there’s a young workforce willing …

Tap That serving up summer staples
Steven Larocque Speaker Editor TEMISKAMING SHORES – A traditional stop for many looking to beat the summer heat of their own kitchen is to take a trip to a chip …