OTTAWA (Staff/Special) – There’s a new web page to provide answers to questions from kids about COVID-19. The website was announced by Canada’s Deputy Public Health Officer Dr. Howard Njoo …
Much of province moving to Stage 3 of reopening Friday
DISTRICT (Staff/Special) – The Timiskaming district is among the regions of the province that are entering Stage 3 of reopening plans for the economy. The new level of reopening takes …
Opportunities for change
Even if you have a poor memory, like yours truly, it’s hard to forget all the ethical challenges our prime minister has had over the past couple of years. There …
We can do this
The region is entering Stage 3 of reopening. People will be allowed to gather inside in groups of 50, and outside in groups of 100. Masks will become mandatory in …

Editorial cartoon for July 15, 2020 issue:
Police Blotter
Tool theft TEMISKAMING SHORES – Tools worth an estimated $1,000 were stolen during a break-in in New Liskeard earlier this month. Temiskaming OPP say the theft at a Scott Street …
Masks/face coverings becoming mandatory
Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter DISTRICT – The health units across the North are now directing their communities that mandatory masks or face coverings will be required for indoor public spaces. …

MacKay brings leadership tour to Englehart
Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter ENGLEHART – Federal Conservative leadership candidate Peter MacKay stopped in Englehart July 8 on a whistle-stop tour which has seen him visiting eligible voters for the …

Temiskaming OPP arrest suspect
Sue Nielsen Speaker Reporter COBALT — After warning the residents of Cobalt there was a heavy police presence in the town via a Twitter announcement, the Temiskaming Detachment of the …
The Speaker July 15, 2020