Rota slams early election call
DISTRICT – Nipissing-Timiskaming Liberal candidate Anthony Rota was the first off the mark for local federal election candidates in issuing a media release. On Sunday morning, just an hour after Prime Minister Stephen Harper called the October 19 federal campaign officially underway, Mr. Rota, the former MP for the riding,
Prime Minister calls election
Wet weather, power failure, election callDISTRICT (Staff) – On a Civic Holiday weekend in Temiskaming which has seen stormy weather, a late Saturday-afternoon power failure which lasted until the early hours of the morning, now sees the beginning of one of the longest federal election campaigns in Canadian history. On
Bodies recovered and identified
Missing man now recoveredDISTRICT – On Wednesday, July 29 at approximately 2:50 p.m. members of the Temagami Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) responded to a call on Red Squirrel Lake due to a floating vessel that had been located without occupants. Further investigation indicated that two people
One confirmed death
One confirmed deathMISSING PERSON IN RED SQUIRREL LAKE TEMAGAMI – On Wednesday, July 29 at approximately 2:50 p.m. members of the Temagami Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) were called to Red Squirrel Lake due to a floating vessel that had been located without occupants. Further investigation indicates
Heat warning continues
Heat warning continues – cooler temperatures forecast for Wednesday nightDISTRICT –The heat is expected to continue today, July 29 across much of Northeastern Ontario with highs into the low 30’s. Cooler weather will arrive tonight. Drink plenty of liquids especially water before you feel thirsty to decrease your risk of
The Speaker – July 29, 2015
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Heat Warning New Liskeard – TemagamiIssued at 05:25 Monday 27 July 2015A hot airmass is expected to move into portions of Northeastern Ontario for the beginning of this week. Daytime highs in the low thirties are expected for today and Tuesday with warm overnight minimum temperatures. Communities close to the shores
Hwy 11 re-opened
Hwy 11 Just South of North Quarry Rd, Temiskaming – NOW OPEN 2015-07-23 Location: Location including Hwy # 11 Just south of North Quarry Rd TemiskamingBrief Description of Event: Police Investigation – Hwy 11 is fully open to two way traffic.Detour (if available): N/AEstimated duration of Road
Hwy 11 closed by North Quarry Road
OPP INVESTIGATE FATAL MOTOR VEHICLE COLLISION 2015-07-23 (TEMISKAMING SHORES) – On July 23, 2015, shortly before 1 p.m., members of the Temiskaming Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) responded to a fatal motor vehicle collision located on Highway 11, Harley Township involving a motorcycle and a pick-up truck.