Recycling and roads top Casey’s year

CASEY TOWNSHIP (Staff) -- It has been a quiet year in Casey Township, and it concluded as it began with the exact same council as the incumbent council was acclaimed to another four-year term during the October municipal elections.The council is led by Reeve Guy Labonte, and includes

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First step in forming employers’ council

Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES -- The next step has been taken in creating a Temiskaming Shores Employers’ Council, with the aim of identifying immigrants who are skilled and interested in taking local jobs which otherwise cannot be filled.The North Bay Multiculturalism Centre, with the support of

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Outgoing reeve

Giving back to the communityDarlene Wroe Speaker Reporter CHAMBERLAIN TOWNSHIP -- Bill Dickinson’s career in municipal politics has spanned 20 years.His career on Chamberlain Township council started in 1991, at which time he ran for a position as councillor. In 1994 he stepped forward for the reeve’s

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From Parliament Hill

Nipissing-Timiskaming MPJay AspinThis October, we lost two incredibly brave Canadians, Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent and Corporal Nathan Cirillo to savage and cowardly attacks. Indeed, it is a difficult time when these types of attacks occur within our own country. Perhaps what  these unfortunate events really demonstrated

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Reynald Rivard  has been acclaimed to another term as trustee on the Conseil scolaire catholique du district des Grandes Rivières.  The area he represents encompasses Temagami and the rural areas of southern Temiskaming, including Earlton. The story entitled “Acclamations return incumbents to Grandes Rivières”, that appeared in

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Sixteen additional names Latchford voter number discrepancy resolved

Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter LATCHFORD -- An initial discrepancy has been resolved regarding the number of voters who participated in the Latchford municipal election.The town’s returning officer had initially reported that 269 votes were cast in Latchford.However, that number did not match with the fact that the

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Municipal election Results

Newcomer tops polls in ArmstrongEarlton (Staff) - Newcomer Kevin Léveillé topped the polls in Armstrong Township.The 28-year-old high school teacher received 188 votes.  Joining him on council with their votes in brackets are incumbents Jean-Marc Boileau (181), Dominique Nackers (177), George Daviau (154).Incumbent Jeanne Loranger

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Temiskaming Votes

Most incumbents returned, most municipalities had very low voter turnoutGordon Brock Speaker Editor DISTRICT -- On an overcast Monday, October 27, with daytime temperatures hovering around five degrees Celsius, Temiskaming voters turned out in varying degrees of enthusiasm to elect new councils for the 2014-2018 term.

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Latchford councillor candidate Gabriel Fink says “There was a letter/flyer sent out several months ago talking about the rising cost of policing Latchford. I found it funny our municipal government would send something like that out in the mail, yet wouldn’t do the same when they were selling the

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