Former councillor appointed to Temagami council

Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter TEMAGAMI – A familiar face is back at Temagami council.Debby Burrows, whose resignation from council earlier this year created the vacancy, has been appointed to fill the councillor spot.Her appointment followed council’s inability last month to choose a new councillor from among five applicants. It also came after

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Meet-the-candidates night a two-man show

Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES – Timiskaming-Cochrane’s first meet-the-candidates night was a friendly match-up.Only two political hopefuls – incumbent John Vanthof of the New Democratic Party (NDP) and challenger Shawn Poirier of the Northern Ontario Party (NOP) – were at the May 22 session at Riverside Place.Prior to taking to the

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Judge to choose Temagami councillor

Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter TEMAGAMI – It’ll be up to a judge to choose who will fill the empty seat at Temagami’s council table.None of the five applicants for the spot won support from a majority of Temagami’s six remaining council members last week.The decision will now be referred to a judicial

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Five apply for Temagami council vacancy

Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES – Temagami is scheduled to appoint a new councillor this week to fill a vacancy at the council table.Five people have applied to fill the vacancy created last month when Debby Burrows resigned to take up new employment outside the area.The candidates outlined their qualifications to

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Vanthof brings office politics to New Liskeard

Steven Larocque Speaker Editor TEMISKAMING SHORES – John Vanthof’s recent travels in the riding have him confident the NDP’s message is getting through.The Timiskaming-Cochrane MPP is campaigning for the June 7 election and visiting homes where he’s been receiving a positive response.“I was door knocking in Sturgeon Falls (May 15) and Sturgeon

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Municipal campaign off to slow start

Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter DISTRICT – While the Ontario election will dominate the news for the next month, the municipal campaign has also begun.In a switch from earlier years, the nomination period for candidates has been compressed. It opened May 1 and closes July 27.As of this week, only a handful of

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Procedural questions over councillor’s absence

Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter COBALT - Cobalt council recently discussed the extended physical absence from meetings of Councillor Gary Bigelow and whether that absence has been handled correctly.Councillor Bigelow has been maintaining his participation in meetings through teleconference, although a telephone connection has not always been made.At the April 24 meeting Councillor

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Changes in area municipal administration

Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter DISTRICT - Three area municipalities are simultaneously undergoing administrative changes.Shawn LaCarte, who oversees the administrative department for the Town of Englehart, now has the title of clerk-treasurer. His previous title was clerk administrator/deputy treasurer.Malorie Robinson, an Englehart area resident, will take up the position of deputy clerk-treasurer for

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Temagami seeking new councillor

Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter TEMAGAMI – With a little over six months remaining in the current municipal council term, Temagami is looking for a new councillor.Debby Burrows, who has served on council since 2010, resigned late last month to take up a new job at the Detour Gold Mine site north of

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PCs name Timiskaming-Cochrane candidate

TEMISKAMING SHORES (Staff) – With a provincial election less than two months away, a Progressive Conservative candidate has been named in Timiskaming-Cochrane.Margaret Williams, who lives on Bain Lake about 15 kilometres north of Sturgeon Falls, was acclaimed the party’s candidate last week.In an April 12 news release, Ontario PC leader

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