Charlton-Dack reeve looking forward to 2019

Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter CHARLTON-DACK - The Municipality of Charlton and Dack has been making real headway, says Reeve Merrill Bond.Infrastructure improvements have been taking place, and there are plans for continued infrastructure improvements over the next four years, he said."Things have

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Coleman contemplating projects for new term

Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter COLEMAN – A couple of big projects in Coleman will wrap up this term, freeing funds for other initiatives, says the township's mayor.Dan Cleroux said the final payment on the township's road hard-surfacing program will be made within in the next year and a half.That, coupled with the

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Cobalt will consider integrity commissioner

Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter COBALT - Cobalt council representatives will be attending a training session offered by a firm proposing to serve as the district integrity commissioner.Councillor Doug Wilcox suggested the town should first attend the training session then decide if they wish to use the services of the firm.The discussion was

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More marketing expected for region’s tourism in ’19

Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES – Northeastern Ontario is expected to get a marketing push next year to help the tourism sector recover from a 2018 season burned by forest fires.In the summer, Timiskaming-Cochrane MPP John Vanthof had called for help, both financial and promotional, for the area's tourism industry struggling

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Proponents moving on Hwy. 11 test project

Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES – A draft resolution is being sent to Temiskaming municipalities in hopes of building support for a pilot project testing a new Highway 11 design.A local committee is proposing that the "2-plus-1" model be installed on a stretch of Highway 11 between North Bay and Cochrane.A

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Temagami mayor outlines short-term goals

Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter TEMAGAMI – Temagami's new mayor predicts the coming months will be busy ones for the new council.Mayor Dan O'Mara anticipated that a strategic plan will be finalized by the summer.It'll be developed with community involvement and will plot a direction for the coming four years.Temagami council held its

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Temagami names committee members

TEMAGAMI (Staff) – The new Temagami council did a little business after the formalities at its inaugural meeting December 5.Council approved appointments to a variety of committees.Mayor Dan O'Mara, a councillor who won the mayor's race in the October 22 election, will represent the municipality on several boards and committees.They

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Thornloe repeats call for highway street lights

Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter THORNLOE – Thornloe isn't giving up its drive for lighting at a complex intersection on Highway 11.Villlage council has called on the Ontario Ministry of Transportation once again to install street lights at the intersection of Highway 11, Highway 562 and Garden Road east of the village.It argues

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