Temagami using mail-in ballot system for municipal election
Sue Nielsen Speaker Reporter TEMAGAMI — Temagami differs from other municipalities in the Temiskaming region in terms of how voters may cast a ballot as the municipality offers …
Election for DTSSAB unincorporated north rep
KIRKLAND LAKE (Staff/Special) – DTSSAB will also be holding an election October 24. The unincorporated townships in the north end of the district must have a representative on …
Election signs missing, candidate feels targeted
Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter COBALT – Election signs are starting to go up in Cobalt and already one candidate for a councillor position has seen two of her signs go …
City to see a race for mayor
TEMISKAMING SHORES (Staff) – With the nomination deadline for municipal elections only days away, it looks like there will be a race for the mayor’s seat in Temiskaming Shores. Councillor …
City names top administrator
Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES – The top job in the city’s administration will go to Amy Vickery. Vickery, currently clerk-treasurer-administrator in Armstrong Township, takes over as Temiskaming Shores’ …
City seeing decline in insurance premium
Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES – After several years of dramatic increases in its insurance rates, the city’s costs are dropping. Temiskaming Shores council has approved a …
City to survey decisions through “climate lens”
TEMISKAMING SHORES (Staff) – City staff will now look through a climate lens as they make recommendations to council on such matters as procurement, budgeting and policies. …
“Catch and release justice” occupying police time
Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter ELK LAKE – FONOM is creating a Northern Working Group to focus on the issue of “catch and release justice” and will be bringing …
City candidates’ list growing
TEMISKAMING SHORES (Staff) – The unofficial list of candidates in Temiskaming Shores is a little longer. Nadia Pelletier-Lavigne is running for one of six councillor seats in the …
Temagami’s Official Plan stalled by ministry
Sue Nielsen Speaker Reporter TEMAGAMI — The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) has gone past its 90-day mandate to make comments on Temagami’s Official Plan, and …