Brampton woman dies in Hwy. 11 crash
TEMAGAMI (Staff/Special) – A Brampton woman was killed in a collision involving two tractor-trailers last week on Highway 11 south of Temagami.Amandeep Kaur Mangat, 33, of Brampton had been a passenger in a northbound tractor-trailer.She was declared dead at the scene of the crash, which occurred shortly before 9 a.m.
City considering latest zoning bylaw draft
Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES – A uniform policy on what can be built where, and how, will be presented to city council next week.On December 19, Temiskaming Shores council will consider the third draft of what will be the amalgamated municipality’s first comprehensive zoning bylaw.Rick Hunter, senior planner and partner
City pares capital projects in ’18 budget talks
Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES – When city council took a first look at its 2018 budget, it faced a $1.9-million shortfall to cover planned capital projects.But it’s managed to shave about $1 million in spending after Temiskaming Shores councillors met with various departmental committees late last month.Council will review a
Charging ahead in the search for cobalt
Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter COBALT - The search for cobalt is a long-term project.That was the topic of a presentation by First Cobalt exploration company at the Cobalt Community Hall Tuesday, November 28.With global business preferences turning away from cobalt produced from the Democratic Republic of Congo, due to human rights issues,
Problem causes concern among animal lovers
Sue Nielsen Speaker Reporter DISTRICT - Across the Temiskaming region and further afield, the feral cat population is exploding and cat lovers are struggling to keep up with the demand for humane care.New Liskeard resident Mandy Lee Gilbert describes herself as an “unabashed animal lover” who “cannot understand why people are turning
Guilty pleas to shooting trumpeter swans at marsh
Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES – Two Englehart men received combined penalties of $5,000 after two trumpeter swans were shot in the Hilliardton Marsh in late September.One swan was killed and the other injured. It was found more than a week later and transported to the Toronto Wildlife Centre, where it
Draft bylaw detailing development rules
Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES – The city is plotting the rules that will govern what you can build and where you can build it.Work on a new comprehensive zoning bylaw, the first for the amalgamated municipality of Temiskaming Shores, began in June, 2016.It’s now in the final stages of review.The
Forestry Coalition worries about “devastating” impacts
Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter DISTRICT - Efforts by environmentalists to have forestry reduced in Northern Ontario would be "devastating" to the North if implemented."The impact would be extremely significant," said Al Spacek, president of the Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities (FONOM) in a telephone interview November 21.The Ontario Forestry Coalition is in
Temiskaming Foundation settles in new digs
Sue Nielsen Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES — The Temiskaming Foundation (TTF) recently officially opened its new home, with a bit of fanfare.“Our new office location is very visible as people walking in the downtown core can pop in. It is also fully accessible as there are no stairs. We have been here
Seeing red over impaired driving
TEMISKAMING SHORES (Staff) - The Red Ribbon Campaign was officially launched in Temiskaming Shores on Monday, November 13, outside the headquarters of the Temiskaming detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police.The Red Ribbon Campaign was launched by MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) Timiskaming and Area chapter "to pass along the message