Christmas, fore and aft

Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter Gently falling snow, starry-eyed children, the faint scent of wood smoke, twinkling lights and flickering candles, carols in the air, home-baked treats....Enough of that.How about crappy weather and bad roads, long line-ups in stores and longer still credit card statements, and tired, whiny parents with over-sugared children?It's that

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On a winter night

The days will start to get longer now and the holiday season is reaching its peak level with last-minute shopping, driving, visiting, meals and reunions with family and friends. Soon it will be Christmas Day.The dark evenings are punctuated with festive lights, falling snow, bright moonlight and winter stars.This is

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Evolution – of a sort

By Steven LarocqueThis was the big headline (and it was indeed big, spread over seven of the eight columns of broadsheet newspaper you needed the wingspan of an NBA centre to hold comfortably) from the Thursday, October 12, 1967 Speaker:Arrest, charge suspected marijuana pusherBeneath the awkwardly worded headline is a

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