Gratitude and determination
There are few veterans left from World War II, but we are very appreciative of those who are still here to guide us with their wisdom and their personal experiences …
Treats and votes
By Steven Larocque Writing this missive on Halloween night, it’s interesting to look out the window once in a while and see the little kids being taken to downtown stores …

Editorial cartoon for Oct. 30, 2019:
Ups and Downs
• Thumbs up to the news that a new nursing home is in the works for the town of Englehart. A developer from Southern Ontario is planning a 68-70 bed …
A matter of time and space
By Diane Johnston Canada’s on a hot streak in the out-of-this-world of physics. In 2015, Nova Scotia-born Arthur B. McDonald shared the Nobel prize for his work showing that the …

Editorial cartoon October 23
A cooperative spirit
The cancellation of the Ontario Northland Christmas Train, at least for this year, is a disappointment for those who enjoy the opportunity to gather for a Christmas festivity. It is …
Moving on
By Steven Larocque Well, a majority of The Speaker’s online poll respondents called it correctly. Sixty-two per cent predicted a minority government and that’s what Canada has for the foreseeable …

Editorial Cartoon for October 16 2019
The tides of my soul
It was rather brilliant that I decided to blast out to New Brunswick for a week of holidays in early October. The leaves were all peaking as I, in the …