A world we all want
Currently we are seeing calls in some areas of the United States, Toronto and other parts of Canada for increased policing of police. Around the world, many countries are taking …
Growing stronger, greener, and closer
By Darlene Wroe It’s good to see so many people focusing on establishing or expanding their vegetable gardens. I have long been saying that the future is one of increased …

A big hug...
Tolerance for racism is ending
Nearly all Canadians are looking south to the United States and the challenges they face with protests and escalating violence over the death of George Floyd. People in Canada and …
From that to this
by Steven Larocque Do you ever look at newspapers online? A site can be maddening with its tantalizing headlines (“Liberals to Parliament: We’ll govern without you, thanks”) only to block …

Editorial cartoon for May 27:
Boring, maybe, but essential
A casual drive late last week would have made you think South Temiskaming residents were emerging from hibernation. The drive-through lanes at local fast food outlets snaked around the buildings …
Lessons from a pandemic, part 2
By Diane Johnston “Auntie Diane, what did you do during the Great Pandemic of 2020?” Somehow, I doubt my great-nieces and great-nephews will ever ask, but just in case they …
The re-awakening
The country is slowly emerging from its self-imposed COVID-19 cocoon both socially and economically. The advent of warm weather and open lakes in Northeastern Ontario has seen more people out …
It’s time to reopen the economy
By Mike Baker (Mike Baker is Regional Editor Dufferin-Caledon, Orangeville Citizen, Caledon Citizen and Shelburne Free Press) When Premier Doug Ford “took back Ontario,” as he so vociferously claimed following …