Editorial cartoon for July 29, 2020 issue:
No argument here
In this strange summer of a very strange year, one of the top news items has become the daily pursuit of righting old wrongs and settling old scores. Some you …
Footloose and stuck
Diane Johnston Years ago, I saw a movie starring a very young Mel Gibson called The Year of Living Dangerously. I’ve forgotten the plot. A Roger Ebert online review informs …

Editorial cartoon for July 22, 2020 issue:
Opportunities for change
Even if you have a poor memory, like yours truly, it’s hard to forget all the ethical challenges our prime minister has had over the past couple of years. There …
We can do this
The region is entering Stage 3 of reopening. People will be allowed to gather inside in groups of 50, and outside in groups of 100. Masks will become mandatory in …

Editorial cartoon for July 15, 2020 issue:
Ups and Downs
• Thumbs up to the Canadian military for stepping up in this time of pandemic. Operation LASER saw the deployment last April of Canadian Armed Forces teams into several select …
A new normal worth having
Summer comes so quickly in the North, and it seems every year is different. Last year zipped by so fast that many of us suffered whiplash watching it come and …

Editorial cartoon for July 8, 2020 issue: