Editorial cartoon December 29:
Hard work and the satisfaction that comes from it
By Darlene Wroe For all my family, friends and those I meet from day to day and those I don’t as well, I wish the best of health, and …
Happy New Year
It’s safe to say that there will be very few people, if any, who will miss seeing 2021 in the rear view mirror. There were, of course, many …

Editorial cartoon December 22:
The meaning of Christmas
At this Christmas season we will be thinking of all those who are in our lives, either present or past. We will also be thinking about our communities, …
Remembering Bun
By Gordon Brock To everyone who knew him, he was simply Bun. Lawrence “Bun” Eckensviller was also referred to, with admiration, as this area’s symbolic grandfather as many people …

Editorial cartoon December 15:
Festivities, 2021-style
By Diane Johnston It may be another viral Christmas, wreathed in masks and physically distanced. At least this year I’m prepared, and rethinking holiday traditions began early. I never …
The new normal
A reporter out and about on the weekend noticed a remarkable amount of compliance by locals when it comes to wearing face masks and coverings. There was, however, …

Editorial Cartoon December 8: