The magic is love, and love is the magic
By Darlene Wroe As this column is being written, December has dawned and another Christmas approaches. As I was thinking about Christmas, I was remembering the days of long …
The message never gets old
The Speaker has always encouraged people to shop local. That’s partly self-interest, of course. We’re a business and we need your support, just like all the other local …

Editorial cartoon in the Nov. 30 issue:
Making it truly the happiest time of year
The December season, which means rushing and wishes, family and friends, lights and parties, now is here. However people can find ways to enjoy themselves, while being safe and kind, …
The Cup dribbleth over
By Steven Larocque Do you remember that time the Canadian women’s national hockey team said the U.S. squad had trampled on the Canadian flag in their locker room prior to …

Editorial cartoon in the Nov. 23 issue:
Wayne Green – Hall of Famer
The Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA) recently held an official induction ceremony to its Hall of Fame with special relevance to The Speaker and its readers. Wayne Green was one …
Changing by degrees
By Diane Johnston A touch of fever, a sprinkling of congestion, and a generous topping of coughing. I’ve been sick, but who hasn’t? Despite masks, hand-washing, crowd avoidance, and jab …

Editorial cartoon in the Nov. 16 issue:
History and diversity
Village Noël will be back this year in New Liskeard running November 24 to 26. It’s a bit different this year. Instead of taking over the downtown, organizers have centralized …