Recycling and revisiting
By Diane Johnston I’m a sucker for a glossy brochure promoting an attraction after I’ve visited. Who needs a postcard when the pamphlet has photos and all the geographic, geological …

Editorial cartoon in the Feb. 15 issue:
Side road suggestion
If the province were to invest in improving winter maintenance of secondary highways in the region, more local traffic could use those routes and leave Highway 11 for the most …
Keep shopping – if you can afford it
By Steven Larocque Our weekly poll – as unscientific as it is – shows readers are most having difficulty dealing with inflation when it comes to groceries/medicine. Among the other …
Night terrors of Temiskaming
By Darlene Wroe There are times that I find myself driving at night on Highway 11. It seems that lately the clip of the general speed of traffic out …
National Kids and Vaccines Day
There’s a COVID update story in The Speaker this week, the first in a couple of weeks. COVID is still around, but it’s not the newsmaker it was …

Editorial cartoon in the Feb. 1 issue:
Trusting in others
The unfortunate thing about the structure of our services is that decisions are always based on the dollars that are available. Government guidelines, union agreements, expected annual increases in wages …
To the news and beyond
By Steven Larocque I took two calls from seniors at the start of this week. One was concerned that there isn’t a place for her and her friends to go …

Editorial cartoon in the Jan. 25 issue: