More needed to fight poverty
The Timiskaming Health Unit is absolutely right when it says that to combat food insecurity and reduce poverty, income-based solutions are necessary. The health unit recently released its report on …
Those Leafs and guilty pleasures
By Steven Larocque Non-sports fans, Toronto Maple Leaf haters – indulge me this week. Everyone’s heard of that saying that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and …

Editorial cartoon in the April 26 issue:
Ups and downs
• Thumbs up to Ontario’s Ministry of Transportation and the local advocates who managed to get the speed limit changed on the stretch of Highway 11 from near the Chamber …
Spring hopes eternal
By Diane Johnston Are the gaggles of birds that seem to be everywhere tweeting about their winters in the sunny south? Are they comparing reviews of the bird equivalents of …

Editorial cartoon in the April 19 issue:
Fire and ice
The snow is melting, the grass is greening, the lakes are starting to open, and sometimes it feels like the summer is already here. With all the excitement for getting …
The less you know…
By Steven Larocque On Easter weekend there was a terrible crash on Highway 11 in Chamberlain Township, north of Englehart, in which two people died. The Ontario Provincial Police, in …
Driving it home
By Steven Larocque I made a trip to Sudbury over the Easter long weekend for a two-day visit and the old mining town seems to be thriving. Its homeless …
Good works, good neighbours
International Firefighters Day is in May, but let’s take a moment to sing their praises – at least on a local level. Recently there was a fire in …