Editorial cartoon July 12
Pulling the plug
By Steven Larocque In the old days, a writer faced a blank page in a typewriter waiting for ink to be click-clacked onto its surface. Today it’s a screen …
The things we can do
At the turn of the 20th century, silver was discovered in Cobalt. People from around the world descended on the little patch of northern wilderness and with shovel, …

Editorial cartoon in the July 5 issue:
Here’s to the next 156 years
Provincial and municipal bans on fires and fireworks may have dampened (excuse the pun) Canada Day celebrations on some fronts, but the flag still flew proudly on the homes – …
The rules of the game before us
By Darlene Wroe When I first started working at the newspaper back in the mid-1980s, I sensed the swirl of activities around me. There were about 30,000 people in the …

Editorial cartoon June 28
Smoke signals
It’s becoming very clear to many that climate change is catching up with us. Across Canada about 500 fires are burning and about half of them are out …

Editorial cartoon June 21
Ups and downs
Thumbs up to the many people who supported the Pride Parade in New Liskeard on June 16. Quite a few of the happy marchers were not members of …