Relatively speaking
By Diane Johnston “We have to wear pants. So do you.” That’s what popped out as I confronted a wriggling two-year-old who was enjoying the freedom of racing around …

Editorial cartoon in the Oct. 11 issue:
Some gratitude and some gristle
The Thanksgiving weekend saw mishaps on Highway 11 ranging from an individual struck near Temagami, to a vehicle rolling over, and others having trouble negotiating slippery roads. First, there is …
Thanksgiving reminder
By Steven Larocque We just celebrated Thanksgiving and the biggest thing for which we should all be thankful is that we live in the greatest country on earth. It’s hard …

Editorial cartoon in the Oct. 4 issue:
Rota’s resignation
Nipissing-Timiskaming MP Anthony Rota is no longer the Speaker of the House of Commons after a terrible gaffe caused international embarrassment for the country. Everyone is aware now that on …
Doing the best we can
By Darlene Wroe “I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore,” Dorothy said to Toto in the story The Wizard of Oz after a tornado lifted the farmhouse and carried her …

Editorial cartoon September 27
Managing quick change
We live in a time when we are increasingly seeing the convergence of the past and the future. The region is beginning to change quickly. While there are …
Jim Patrick
By Gordon Brock Many long-time media people usually recall a well-known event when asked for some of the most memorable news stories they covered. Jim Patrick, however, has this …