Letter of the Week
Still the best governmentDear Editor:The recent Fraser Institute study on amalgamation in Ontario confirms the claims expressed even before Mike Harris and his wrecking crew started hacking away at local governments in 1995, namely, that the notion of amalgamation yielding increased efficiency and reduced costs of governance
Don’t let it happen to you!
Dear Editor:When it comes to accidents, it’s common to think, oh, it will never happen to us. That is what we thought until our nine-year-old daughter, Zoe, a member of The War Amps Child Amputee (CHAMP) Program, lost her leg in a lawn mower accident.A few years
Vision, generosity, and inspiration
The work that has been done by a team of committed people for Cobalt is nothing short of inspiring.On Thursday, June 4, Agnico Eagle announced that it would pledge $100,000 each year for ten years for a total of $1 million to be put into the
From the Editor’s Desk
Amaglamation and Ranked BallotsThese items came across the desk in the last fortnight. These are items of direct interest to our political classes and perhaps the public at large will find themselves carrying about it as well – if not sooner, then later.AMALGAMATIONOntario’s push for municipal
Our thanks to the community
Dear Editor:On behalf of the MNR staff who participated in our annual June food drive, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to the people of our amazing community who once again showed such incredible generosity. In just six hours we collected four pickup trucks full of
Letter of the Week
On the spring bear huntDear Editor:Again this spring our friend the black bear is already making headlines. I would like you to consider my take on the spring bear hunt for your editorial section. Thank you for considering.My take on a spring bear hunt.A
From the editor’s desk
At the bus stop[caption id="attachment_1019" align="alignleft" width="200"] Speaker Editor - Gordon Brock[/caption]May 23 was the first day of reduced hours at the New Liskeard bus station. This is part of the Ontario Northland Transportation Commission’s (ONTC)
Letter to the editor
Battling sexual assaultDear Editor:I would like to take this opportunity to share with your readers a statement that Amelia Rising (as a member of the Ontario Coalition of Rape Crisis Centres - OCRCC) takes regarding the May 20, 2015 response of the Royal Military College to disclosure of
A Wing and a Prayer
A reversal of a decision to allow the annual Drag N’ Fly to take place at the Earlton airport means the Temiskaming Rod and Custom Club (TRACC) now must make up for lost sponsors for the drag race.The decision to allow the event was made after an appeal
“No news” adage doesn’t work for North
No news is good news.That well-worn adage may apply to most experiences in an average lifetime, but it doesn’t work for a transplanted resident of Northern Ontario who is trying to keep up with happenings in the land of his birth. When one is dependent upon media sources