Letter of the Week

Still the best governmentDear Editor:The recent Fraser Institute study on amalgamation in Ontario confirms the claims expressed even before Mike Harris and his wrecking crew started hacking away at local governments in 1995, namely, that the notion of amalgamation yielding increased efficiency and reduced costs of governance

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From the Editor’s Desk

Amaglamation and Ranked BallotsThese items came across the desk in the last fortnight. These are items of direct interest to our political classes and perhaps the public at large will find themselves carrying about it as well – if not sooner, then later.AMALGAMATIONOntario’s push for municipal

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Letter to the editor

Battling sexual assaultDear Editor:I would like to take this opportunity to share with your readers a statement that Amelia Rising (as a member of the Ontario Coalition of Rape Crisis Centres - OCRCC) takes regarding the May 20, 2015 response of the Royal Military College to disclosure of

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