On track

In March of 2015, Northern Ontario made the news when a CN train went off the rails near Gogama.The train consisted of 94 tank cars that were filled with petroleum crude oilThere were no injuries, but the damage was extensive.“Although the train was travelling below the 50 (mile per hour)

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Stuff and nonsense

Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter Acquisitions and divestment.In my case, they have nothing to do with high finance, junior mining companies searching for cobalt, or the buckwheat futures market.They’re just fancy words describing my approach to stuff.I’ve acquired stuff and will acquire more in the future.But I’m also a big fan of divestment

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Ahead in the polls

Steven Larocque Speaker Editor The federal New Democratic Party leadership campaign has our own Charlie Angus running for the big job.I say “our own” because Angus, for years, has made his home in Coleman Township just a few steps north of Cobalt.From a purely selfish standpoint, it would be great to see

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Up and Downs

A big thumbs up to The Speaker’s letter writers, to newcomers and veterans alike.Mrs. Gervais’ letter that appears this week served as inspiration for this Ups and Downs editorial that appears occasionally in this space.The Speaker would like to echo her sentiments concerning the good works of individuals like

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