Turning up the summer heat
By Steven Larocque Speaker Editor Here we are, published on the 4th of July.Was that the name of a Tom Cruise movie?Canada and the United States share a continent and a history and closely aligned dates of foundation (albeit many years apart) that can’t be changed.But boy, the future can definitely take
Ontario and Canada Day
Happy July 1
So this is the year after the country celebrated its 150th birthday, its sesquicentennial.Not a lot has changed in the bigger scheme of things since that time.The celebrations in 2017 were most remarkable for their rather muted reception.Canadians didn’t respond to the landmark anniversary with the nationalistic fervour some expected
A better approach needed
By Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter The amazing tool we have at our disposal today is access to the World Wide Web.By Googling nearly anything you can think of, or by following links, every minute of your day can be filled with pieces of new information.I believe this is transformational for our society,
Relax and enjoy
The job of listening
Many years ago, then Liberal Premier Dalton McGuinty said he would govern based on the input received from the people of Ontario.Which voices McGuinty heard remains a question for history. Whatever voices Kathleen Wynne listened to also will be a case some will enjoy studying for years to come.Whatever the
Heckuva job Donnie!
by Steven LarocqueThat’s one of the best headlines of the past fortnight.It was written at the website The Daily Beast, a place well regarded for publishing some serious writers and thinkers.