Roy Smith, left, helped Dave McInall prepare a remote-controlled air cadet tow plane for flight at TARMAC’s annual Fun Fly on the weekend. TARMAC – the Temiskaming and Region Model Aircraft Club – was chartered in 1982 and operates an airfield on Hwy. 569. Anyone interested in the world
EHS grad scores lottery win
TORONTO (Special) – An Englehart High School graduate now has the cash in hand for college and a business start-up.Brooke Peddie of Englehart is a recent winner of the Instant Cash for Life game.She opted for a lump sum payment of $675,000 in lieu of the $1,000
Elk Lake Civic a spirited 70
Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter ELK LAKE – Slo-pitch, fastball, swim races, a parade and a dance – not bad for a 70-year-old.The seventieth edition of the Elk Lake Civic Holiday Weekend celebrations is set for July 27 through August 1.“There aren’t too many communities out there that
Students produce anthology of writing
Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES -- Future writers, teachers, and more are reaping the benefits of creative writing classes through the Writer’s Craft program at Ecole secondaire catholique Sainte-Marie (ESCSM).An anthology of creative writing - poems, stories, fact and fiction - was compiled by Alex Bain’s Grade
Sculptors’ Society exhibition at Temiskaming Art Gallery
Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter HAILEYBURY -- Until September 2, Outcomes from the Edge can be viewed at the Temiskaming Art Gallery (TAG).The exhibition opened Saturday, July 2.TAG director/curator Maureen Steward commented at the opening reception that “the work is outstanding.”Local sculptor Cesar Forero of Kirkland Lake
Eighty years of art leadership
The eightieth birthday of Elk Lake artist Lionel Venne was celebrated at the Temiskaming Art Gallery on Saturday, July 2. Mr. Venne was honoured on his birthday for his support of the gallery through the years and also for his leadership in the art community. Gallery director/curator Maureen Steward
The music and rhythm of Lake Temagami
Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter [gallery ids="13222,13223"]TEMAGAMI -- The town of Temagami and its waterfront was alive with the annual Temagami Deepwater Music Festival and Temagami Canoe Festival July 15 to 17.The small town, perched on the edge of rich old-growth forest and sparkling Lake Temagami, attracted
Olivia Geary, 11, of New Liskeard, and her American Paint Horse Blister, five, were enjoying watching team penning together at Cougar Ridge Farms in Hilliard Township on Saturday, July 16, but were willing to pause for this photo. The event, which also included jackpot ranch sorting, was part of
Summer Treat
Nothing says summer like strawberry shortcake! During the Saturday, July 9, Englehart Day In The Park event, four-year-old Kendra Seguin was enjoying a dish of strawberry shortcake served as a fundraiser by the Englehart Rotary International Club. (Staff photo by Sue Nielsen)
Artists explore the light
The Cobalt Artists’ Colony was enjoyed by several area artists this year including Linda Mustard of the Englehart Area Artists (pictured here). The colony was led by Collingwood artist Art B. Cunanan who encouraged the participants in finding the light and movement in outdoor paintings. The colony is an