
Hydro One planning brush control

TEMISKAMING SHORES (Staff/Special) ­– Hydro One will be doing some forestry work in the Temiskaming Shores and Coleman areas this year.It is informing property owners in Dymond, Bucke, Lorrain and South Lorrain of plans to remove and control brush around its high-voltage towerlines.Mechanical cutters, stump-removal equipment and

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Northern Turning 50

TIMMINS (Special/Staff) – Ontario’s college system and Northern College are turning 50 this year.Northern kicked off local celebrations in January with faculty and staff.In a news release, it said special events and activities will be held at each campus – in Haileybury, Kirkland Lake, Timmins and Moosonee

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ARTEM awarded Ontario 150 funding

Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES – The Centre culturel ARTEM has been awarded $14,775 under a provincial program supporting community celebrations marking Canada’s 150th anniversary.The francophone arts and culture group will be working with the Temiskaming Art Gallery and the municipality on celebrations planned at the end

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Time for artists to make plans

COBALT (Staff) - Spring is just around the corner and, once it is here, there’s no slowing things down because, as the saying goes, “time flies when you’re having fun.”Therefore, it’s time to be making plans about what you’re going to do during the wonderful summer months this

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Helping others at Temiskaming Hospital

TEMISKAMING SHORES -- Helping others and supporting patients and their families at the Temiskaming Hospital is the goal of an organization that has always been there, working quietly but effectively behind the scenes.The Temiskaming Hospital Healthcare Volunteers (also known as the Temiskaming Hospital Auxiliary) has 70 members and

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