
Board ONE tackling low graduation rates

Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES – District School Board Ontario North East says it’s taking steps to improve high school graduation rates.It’s working on several fronts, from helping students earn credits for courses they did not complete successfully to encouraging attendance, said Linda Knight, the board’s director

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SNEOAA/Branch 33

[gallery ids="12661,12662,12663,12664"]Sue Nielsen Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES — Sunny skies and warm temperatures were the perfect backdrop to the first major track and field meet of the season held at the Timiskaming District Secondary School (TDSS) Mary Vandervliet Graydon Track on Wednesday, May 18.The annual South North Eastern

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Presenting the 2016 Festival des Folies Franco-Fun draw cheque for $1,000 to the lucky winner is Festival Coordinator Anne-Marie Loranger to Chad Labonté from the Municipality of Casey on Wednesday, May 4 at the ACFO office in downtown New Liskeard. Asked what he was going to do with his

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From the Editor’s Desk

Sporting chancesFor a segment of our population, the long weekend was spent doing yard work for the first time this calendar year. For others, it may have been opening up the cottage for the first time. For others, it may have been watching sports on television.

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