
Have a North Country Christmas in Englehart

Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter ENGLEHART - It will be a North Country Christmas in Englehart Friday, November 17, as the Englehart and District Chamber of Commerce kicks off the Christmas season."There's lots of snow and wildlife," says Chamber president Wayne Stratton, so it's time to don your bush jacket and make the

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Seeing red over impaired driving

TEMISKAMING SHORES (Staff) - The Red Ribbon Campaign was officially launched in Temiskaming Shores on Monday, November 13, outside the headquarters of the Temiskaming detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police.The Red Ribbon Campaign was launched by MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) Timiskaming and Area chapter "to pass along the message

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College faculty voting on latest offer

Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES – After more than four weeks on the picket line, faculty at Ontario’s 24 colleges are voting on the latest offer by the College Employer Council.Voting on-line or by telephone began November 14 and will continue until 10 a.m. tomorrow (November 16).The vote was ordered by

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Repairs to be carried out on historic bridge

Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter COBALT - The Town of Cobalt and the Township of Coleman will be partnering for the repair of the Larose bridge.The historic bridge has developed some cracked beams and other issues, and the work is required to maintain its safety.Cobalt chief administrative officer Michelle Larose said the work

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