
On the road to safety

Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES – Drivers in both directions must stop when a school bus’ red lights are flashing.But Temiskaming Ontario Provincial Police continue to receive reports that motorists are failing to do so, said Constable Jennifer Smith of the Temiskaming Ontario Provincial Police.In an effort to drive the message

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EMS agreement with Matachewan fire department

Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter DISTRICT - The Township of Matachewan fire department is now part of a tiered response agreement.It has become the sixth department to enter into such an agreement with the District of Timiskaming Social Services Administration Board (DTSSAB) Emergency Medical Services (EMS).EMS Chief John McCarthy secured the agreement of

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Putting a care-filled foot forward

Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter TEMAGAMI – The consequences of a simple foot blister left untreated can be dire for someone with diabetes.“Diabetes affects circulation and immunity, and over time the sensory nerves in the feet may be damaged,” said Ellen Ibey, executive director of the Temagami Family Health Team.“People with diabetes often

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Weighing the baby benefits

Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter TEMAGAMI – Climbing on to the scales can be stressful, at any age.At the Temagami Family Health Team clinic, its youngest clients can do so in a little more comfort and efficiency.Nurse practitioner Nancy Presseault now examines babies – including recording their weights and measurements – using a

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Opportunity to surrender weapons – by appointment

TEMISKAMING SHORES (Staff/Special) – Do you have a firearm you want to dispose of?During the month of April, Temiskaming Ontario Provincial Police will join their counterparts across the province in a month-long gun amnesty.But don’t drop them off – contact police to arrange a pick-up.The amnesty is open to any

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Insurance solution sought for recreation program

Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter COBALT - A solution is being sought for insurance concerns related to the proposed recreation program recently put before Cobalt council.Cobalt resident Kyle Audette has outlined a plan for recreational activities for children and their parents.At Cobalt's committee-of-the-whole meeting Tuesday, March 6, chief administrative officer Michelle Larose said

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