By Steven LarocqueReaders have no doubt heard about the troubles our friends inAmerica have been having of late with three government officials in the stateof Virginia.The governor has led a pretty exemplary life having served inthe military and been a
What Northern drivers need
The winter onslaught reminds usthat Northern highways do not get treated the same as Southern Ontariohighways.Because Northern highways havelower traffic numbers, response times for maintenance are less immediate thanSouthern Ontario highways. It's in the policy.A rapid
Airport authority grounds ’19 drag races
Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES – The board overseeingthe Earlton airport has said "no" to the 2019 Drag 'N' Fly dragraces.Earlton-Timiskaming Regional AirportAuthority chair Carman Kidd said the board voted 11-1 late last

Thunderbirds eliminate Cubs in first round
Steven Larocque Speaker Editor TEMISKAMING SHORES – The 2018-19 season isover for the New Liskeard Cubs but there was still lots to cheer about, sayshead coach Steve Polyblank.The team was defeated February 10 by
Haileybury arena to be renamed
Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES - The Haileybury arenawill be renamed in honour of a long-time figure skating coach, mentor andcommunity volunteer who died last year.Temiskaming Shores council unanimouslyapproved renaming the facility the
Jibb 3-on-3 tourney has nine year scoring streak
Steven Larocque Speaker Editor HUDSON TOWNSHIP – Recreation in Hudson willget its annual slapshot of support this Family Day weekend.The ninth annual Dawson Jibb 3-on-3Memorial Hockey Tournament is scheduled for February 16-17.