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A tough winter
"DarleneWroeSpeakerReporterTEMISKAMINGSHORES - This year's snowfall has been two-and-a-half to three timesthat of normal, says Temiskaming Shores public works director DougWalsh. Thepublic works crew of 20 people have been working up to

Big support for 3-on-3 Jibb Memorial tourney
StevenLarocqueSpeakerEditorHUDSONTOWNSHIP – Lots of laughs and lots of good plays, shots and saveswere on display Family Day weekend at the ninth annual Dawson JibbMemorial 3-on-3 Hockey Tournament.HeldFebruary 16-17 in Hudson Township,
Bowlers head to Provincials next
Bowlershead to Provincials nextStevenLarocqueSpeakerEditorTEMISKAMINGSHORES – It’s a long lane that leads to the YBC ProvincialChampionship taking place March 2-3.Thirteenlocal youth bowlers have qualified for the Ontario playdowns whichtake place this year in
Figure skaters set to entertain family and friends
Figureskaters set to entertain family and friendsStevenLarocqueSpeakerEditorTEMISKAMINGSHORES – There’s lots of winter around (and ahead) and one way toenjoy the season is through an annual tradition.TheHaileybury Figure Skating Club (HFSC) and the
People increasingly reluctant to use Highway 11
PDarleneWroeSpeakerReporterDISTRICT- Efforts are underway to better understand the needs for highwaymaintenance on Highway 11.TheTEAM Highway 11 North Working Group was recently formed by theOntario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) and the first meeting
Snowmobiler facing multiple charges
CHAMBERLAIN(Staff) – After stopping for what appeared to be a snowmobile thathad broken down, police ended up laying several charges against thedriver.TemiskamingOntario Provincial Police say officers came across the snowmobile onHighway 11 in Chamberlain between Road 2 and Road 3 shortly after 7a.m. February
Hit and run involving a dog under investigation
CHAMBERLAIN(Staff) – Police say a dog had to be euthanized after it was struckby a snowmobile in Chamberlain Township earlier this month.TemiskamingOntario Provincial Police are describing the incident, which occurredshortly before 8 p.m. February 2, as a hit and run.Policesay

Temagami’s Ice Man tries cold comfort
SueNielsenSpeakerReporterTEMAGAMI— You know the old saying, what doesn’t kill you makes youstronger?Whilemost of us are curled up inside reading a good book beside a warmfire on a cold day, a Temagami man is taking dips in
CJTT FM recognizes outstanding citizens
SueNielsenSpeakerReporterTEMISKAMINGSHORES — A few special people, in fact, outstanding citizens of theTemiskaming region, have been recognized by 104.5 CJTT FM asrecipients of the 2018 Citizen Awards.Theawards include the Citizen of the Year,