The Tri-Town Ski and Snowboard Village (TTSSV) will officially open its new chalet this coming Saturday, March 23 beginning at 2 p.m. All are welcome to attend, have some cake and tour the new facility.
The Weekender – March 22, 2019
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City OKs 2019 budget in principle
CDiane JohnstonSpeakerReporterTEMISKAMINGSHORES – Under a budget approved in principle, residentialtaxpayers in Temiskaming Shores are expected to see their municipaltax bill rise by about two per cent.Residentson municipal water and sewer services will also see that
Push for Hwy. 11 pilot project continuing
DianeJohnstonSpeakerReporterTEMISKAMINGSHORES – The campaign is continuing for a Highway 11 design pilotproject that safety advocates hope will reduce injuries andfatalities.GEMS– Going the Extra Mile for Safety – is meeting with Ministry ofTransportation officials and the ministry's
Boats damaged in partial roof collapse
TEMAGAMI(Staff) – Structural engineers are expected to be at TemagamiMarine this week to assess a boat storage building and try todetermine the cause of a partial roof collapse.Thecollapse occurred sometime overnight March 13-14 and was discoveredwhen staff showed up at 7 a.m., said
Mill operations resume after partial warehouse roof collapse
DianeJohnstonSpeakerReportENGLEHART– Operations at Georgia-Pacific's mill in Englehart were suspendedfor a day last week after a section of a warehouse roof collapsed.Noone was injured when a section of the roof near the edge of one wallcollapsed, said

Lions win regional title and head to All-Ontario
NStevenLarocqueSpeakerEditorKAPUSKASING– There was no other option for the New Liskeard Lions than to winthe NOHA if they were to move on to next month’s All-Ontariochampionship.Theteam did just that on Sunday.
TStevenLarocqueSpeakerEditorTEMISKAMINGSHORES – High school curlers heading to the provincial playdowns inNorth Bay this week will be shooting from different perspectives.TheGirls from TDSS are old hands at OFSAA, but the Boys from ESCSM aretaking their first shot.
Two teams taking their turns at provincial titles