TEMAGAMI (Staff) – Survivorman Les Stroud will exercise his musical talents in Temagami July 19 to kick off this summer’s Temagami Canoe Festival. Stroud may be best known for his …

Musicians strum up support for Vicky Pineau
TEMISKAMING SHORES (Staff) — There is an opportunity involving music to help a local woman facing a double lung transplant. Temiskaming Shores resident Vicky Pineau, 37, is a mother of …
Marking completion of 701 steam engine project
Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter ENGLEHART — After several years of hard work, the 701 steam engine in Englehart now proudly stands next to the Ontario Northland train station. A new …
ELPS students take school year approach to Farm To Table program
Sue Nielsen Speaker Reporter ELK LAKE — A proposal involving experiential learning has provided students at Elk Lake Public School with a growing understand of nutritious foods, how to grow …
Two seeking Nipissing-Timiskaming Conservative nod
Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter NORTH BAY – With the scheduled federal election less than five months away, two North Bay area residents are seeking the Conservative nomination in Nipissing-Timiskaming. Jordy …

Five teams playing in new Temiskaming Shores Fastball League
Sue Nielsen Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES — “Come on chucker, come on shooter, go get em big guy,” were the sounds of players cheering on their fastball pitcher last week …

The Cobalt, Coleman, Latchford and Area Food Bank came to donors May 24, setting up a collection point with a little help from Temiskaming OPP at Food Basics and Walmart. …

Happy Birthday, Barbie!
Hard decisions are now on the table regarding the future of the Temiskaming Shores Public Library. The library has been operating as two branches since the amalgamation of the communities …
My first lesson in gardening
By Darlene Wroe At this time of year many people are out preparing garden plots for the planting season. My earliest gardening memory is that of my grandparents who were …