Hydro One reports that power was lost to 15 customers in the Temiskaming Shores area at about 10:50 a.m. today (Mon., March 27).It’s anticipated to be restored by 3 p.m.
Freezing rain update
Environment Canada advised early this morning (March 27) that a long-lasting period of freezing rain resulting in ice accumulation is expected or occurring.School buses have been cancelled.Temperatures continue to hover near or just below the zero degree mark. Hence areas of freezing rain continue to affect much of Northeastern Ontario
Freezing rain continuing
An Environment Canada weather advisory remained in effect as of 3:30 p.m. March 26.Freezing rain mixed with ice pellets in the Temiskaming Shores area is expected to change to rain by midnight.
Freezing rain expected
Environment Canada issued a special weather statement at 3:29 p.m. Friday, March 24, for the Kirkland Lake, Englehart, Temiskaming Shores and Temagami areas:Periods of freezing rain are expected to develop Sunday morning and persist for much of the day Sunday. Temperatures will slowly rise through the day which
Craft, bake and vendor sale
On Saturday, March 25, there will be a craft, bake and vendor sale from 9 a.m. to 4p.m. at École catholique St-Michel in Temiskaming Shores. A donation will be made to Barking Barn.
NOP meeting:
The Northern Ontario Party announces a Membership/Association meeting at the Englehart Motel, 334416 Hwy. 11 N., Englehart, Thursday, March 23. First, the public meeting at 6 p.m. then a members’ meeting from 7–8 p.m. This meeting will provide members of the public information about the Northern Ontario Party. All are
Weekender – March 24, 2017
Click here to view SECTION A in PDF FormatClick here to view SECTION B in PDF Format
The Speaker – March 22, 2017
Click here to view SECTION A in PDF FormatClick here to view SECTION B in PDF FormatClick here to view SECTION C in PDF Format
Snow squall watch
At 7:53 a.m. today, Environment Canada issued a snow squall watch for the region extending from Kirkland Lake to Temagami:Brief, intense snowfall is expected to develop. Under the snow squall, visibilities will be significantly reduced due to the heavy snow.A cold front near Kapuskasing will continue to
Hydro One outage
Hydro One outageDISTRICT -- Hydro One has indicated it will be approximately 3 p.m. Friday afternoon, March 17, when they have power restored for customers affected by the outage.Hydro One indicated that there are 1,204 customers who continue to be affected by the outage. Those customers are located in Latchford,