Green thumbs and summer blooms


ENGLEHART (Staff) — Visitors to the annual Englehart Festival of Flowers will have an opportunity to enjoy the varied blooms that have been produced through this year’s cooperation between Mother Nature and the many green thumbs of the area.

The exhibition is now underway at the Englehart Royal Canadian Legion Hall.

Doors are opening Thursday evening, August 20 at 7 p.m. and will reopen Friday, August 21 at 1 p.m. and continue through the afternoon until 4:30 p.m.

The show will include competitions, a silent auction, draws, and a tea garden.

Junior gardeners will also have some of their produce on display, after having been encouraged by the Englehart Horticultural Society during this year’s growing season to tend their gardens, big and small.

The theme of this year’s show is Celebrating Our Journey, and master gardeners and flower arrangers will be showing their pieces in a bid for the many prizes.

During this year’s fall fairs which will take place across the area in September, visitors will have more opportunities to see the many blooms and vegetables produced across the district.

Through the passion of the members of the Englehart Horticultural Society, the town has gained a high reputation as “the flower centre of the North” and is a member of the Ontario Horticultural Association. It has grown to attract members from across the district.

The Festival of Flowers was first held in Englehart in 1956 to provide an opportunity for area gardeners to show their best blooms before summer faded.


ENGLEHART FESTIVAL OF FLOWERS was last modified: August 20th, 2015 by Editorial Staff