NEW LISKEARD (Staff) –Hydro will be off for up to three hours for a number of residents on Lakeshore Avenue in New Liskeard on Thursday, October 17. An outage notification has been issued by Hydro One for the area.
Hydro One states that the reason for the outage is the installation of a new hydro pole with wire and new switches.
The area affected will be on Lakeshore Avenue between Broadwood Avenue and Radley Hill.
The outage will begin at 10 a.m. and 282 customers will be affected immediately.
Hydro One will then be able to backfeed hydro to 134 of those customers who will subsequently see their power returned after five minutes, according to Hydro One.
For the other 148 customers, hydro will remain off for three hours and is to be restored by 1 p.m., according to Hydro One.