Tag Archives: Frog’s Breath Foundation

Frog’s Breath Support

The Englehart 355 Polaris Air Cadet squadron received $6,000 from the Frog’s Breath Foundation which will be used to purchase band equipment and ski equipment for their biathlon team. From the left is Jennifer Cardinal, Deb Despres, Englehart Royal Canadian Legion President Joan Renaud, Sergeant Julia Despres, Captain

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The Frog’s Breath Foundation recently provided a $25,000 grant to help Hudson Township purchase a 1996 pumper truck, replacing their 1970 model. Seen here at the cheque presentation are, in front from the left, Foundation president Bridget Grant, Hudson fire department chief Shawn Morrow, Hudson Reeve Larry Craig and

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A conference to train people in the identification and prevention of elder abuse will be held in the fall, with the help of an $8,500 grant from the Frog’s Breath Foundation. Pictured above are, from left, Renee Taylor, Ontario Provincial Police liaison to the Timiskaming Elder Abuse Task Force;

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Volunteer Sue Flaxey recently accepted a cheque for $5,000 on behalf of the Dymond Firefighters’ Park from Frog’s Breath director Steve Stinkowji. The money will be used to help purchase three new benches, affixed with Frog’s Breath logos, which will be placed in the park for use by area

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